People go to massage centers for relaxing themselves from daily stress. Few massage centers offer service to remove the negative energy in the body. The technique helps in getting relief from pains in the joints or other body parts. Other massage centers offer sensual massage that helps to relax mentally and emotionally.
Many centers at government licensed spas and brothels offer services like rub and tug which mainly concentrates on relaxing the clients sexually just by using hands and mouth. Most professionals working at these centers use sensual massage technique to create an intimacy with their clients.
Experts say that sensual massage can act as the first step of sexual activity. This massage is also believed to provide many additional benefits. The massage expert uses her hands and body to stimulate the sense of touch as partner. There are several techniques used for this massage. The most common techniques are fan stroke, circle strokes, and stretching strokes.
A sensual massage starts with soft stokes and the intensity increases as the time progresses. The variants of the soft strokes help in soothing and relaxing the client. In most cases, this massage does not involve any sexual activity. If a client asks for such special favors, most call girls at the centers would work their way through to help their clients reach an orgasmic state.
Many masseurs prefer using a variety of tools to incorporate different sensations in their client’s body. Few professionals use special oils and creams for the massage. Some of the oils contain scents that help clients to relax or stimulate. Some oils are basic almond oils, which allow free moments of hands in the sensitive parts of the body. Few experts use different textures like feathers, silk or velvet to maximize client’s pleasure.
This massage is not only a good sexual activity but also helps in proper blood flow throughout the body. It also helps in reducing the levels of stress hormone.